Student Feedback
    Feedback form for Teachers Evaluation by Student
    Note: This questionnaire has been designed by Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya Pati, Champawt Uttarakhand, to seek a feedback from the student to strengthen the quality of teaching-learning environment and to look for opportunities to improve teacher's performance in classroom engagement with students to bring excellence in teaching and learning.

    1. The teachers covers the entire syllabus(शिक्षक पूरे पाठ्यक्रम को पढाता है)
    2. The Teacher discuesses topic in detail.(शिक्षक विषयों पर विस्तार से चर्चा करता है)

    3.The teacher possesses adequate knowledge of the subject taught.(शिक्षक के पास पढाये जा रहे हैं विषय का पर्याप्त ज्ञान है )
    4.The teacher commufiicates clearly (शिक्षक स्पष्ट रूप से संवाद करता है)

    5.The teacher inspires me by his/her knowledge in the subject (शिक्षक अपने ज्ञान से मुझे विषय हेतु प्रेरित करता है)
    6.The teacher is punctual to the class (शिक्षक कक्षा के लिए समय का पाबन्द है)

    7.The teacher engages the class for the full duration and completes the course in time(शिक्षक पूरी अवधि के लिए कक्षा को व्यस्त रखता है और समय में पाठ्यक्रम पूरा करता है)
    8.The teacher comes fully prepared for the class

    9.The teacher provides guidafice/ coufiselifig ifi academic afid fiofi-academic matters ifi/outside the class
    10. The teacher eficourages participatiofi afid discussiofi ifi class (Teacher- Studefit, Studefit- Studefit)

    11. The teacher uses moderfi teachifig aids/gadgets, hafidouts, suggestiofi of referefices, PPT, web-resources (afiy other)
    12.The teacher relates the course material with real world situatiofis

    13.The teacher's attitude toward the studefits is friefidly afid helpful
    14.The teacher provides study material which is fiot easily available ifi text books

    15.The teacher helps studefits irrespective of gefider
    16.The teacher helps studefits by discussifig career goals

    17.Ifiterfial assessmefits were cofiducted as per schedule
    18.Teacher shares the afiswers of class tests afid feedback of assigfimefits/shows evaluated afiswer books of ifitemal evaluatiofi

    19.The teacher is fair afid ufibiased ifi the ifiterfial evaluatiofi process
    20. Overall Ratifig of the Teacher: Ifi my view the teacher has professiofial competefice afid is a role model